Has your child been recently diagnosed with PANS?

Are you struggling with PANS?


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The Study

  • A Study comparing the effect of Panzyga versus placebo in patients with PANS.

Study Benefits

  • The goal of the study is to confirm that Panzyga is superior to placebo for reducing the severity of symptoms associated with PANS in pediatric patients
  • The study also is looking to verify the sustainability of the reduction of PANS symptoms in patients treated with Panzyga as well as reducing the functional impairment seen with PANS patients
  • Study related care and study medication provided at no cost to the patient and their family
  • Potential reduction in PANS related symptoms (if the subject is selected to receive the study medication

Study Volunteers Must Meet the Following Criteria

  • Males and female ages 6-17 years
  • Confirmed diagnosis of moderate to severe PANS with prominent and stable OCD symptoms
  • Cannot have an initial diagnosis of PANS more than 1 year prior to screening

Study Participant Expectations

  • Total study duration is 18 weeks plus an additional 28 day from Screening to study enrollment
  • Total of 9 clinic visits
  • 6 total infusions with either placebo or study medication


  • There is no cost to participate.
  • Patients who qualify may be compensated for time and travel